I. Hinoba-an Profile
The beautiful and peaceful town of Hinoba-an is strategically located on the Southern most tip of Negros Occidental. It is bounded on the West by Sulu Sea. The beaches are stretched within the eleven barangays. The silky white sand and black pebbles are the pride of the twelve barangays. The mountain ranges are lushed with verdant green trees. All around are the music of the swaying coconut palms with its sugar sweet coco water and meat.
The national road going to Bacolod and Dumaguete City and vice-versa traverse all the twelve Barangays. The distance of Hinoba-an to Bacolod City is only 199.4 Kilometers and travel time by Victorias Royal Transit (VRT) and Ceres Liner is from 4 to 4 1/2 hours. When taking a private car it only takes 3 to 3 1/2 hours. All along the way from Cauayan to Hinoba-an are beautiful beaches. The road is First Class.
Generally Hinoba-an is an agricultural land. People live by farming and fishing and above all the populace are naturally friendly and hospitable. On the coastal side of Hinoba-an which is facing the Sulu Sea, the water are bluish and very peaceful. On our high seas roams the famous tuna and blue marlins, other smaller species also abound in our waters that is why big fishing companies had labeled Hinoba-an as the tuna fishing university of Negros Occidental.
This heaven by the sea is a tourist attraction. Sunset along the sea is a very beautiful sight to view. It gives one a feeling of serenity and contentment. So come and visit this paradise by the sea and you’ll find out you’ll enjoy spelunking, skiing, fishing, swimming and adventures on our different island including picnicking on our fairy tale caves. Scuba divers will be greatly surprise by our rich coral reefs. Some endangered coral fish still abound in our seas. Just by viewing them your feeling could be transported into a world of your own where no problems of everyday living is known. So come, enjoy and have that most illusive peace and contentment in your life by communing with nature in this heaven by the sea.
II. Analysis of Existing Situation
Hinoba-an that is so bountifully blessed and gifted with beautiful fine sand beaches, clear blue sea, bright golden sunset, caves that practically kissed the sea, could be a major tourist destination for southern Negros if given the full support of the government.
These noticeable influx of local tourist from Bacolod City and other northern towns of Negros Occidental when the road from Bacolod City to Hinoba-an was paved.
1. Problems and Development Needs
The volume influx of local tourists to Hinoba-an when the formerly rough and dusty road was developed and paved was rather unexpected. Thus the room capacity of our local beach resorts was taxed to the limit. The spillover was accommodated by private houses proximate to the beaches.
Hinoba-an was not ready to lodge and board all the tourists who wish to come and enjoy the natural gifts and bounties.
Those is an awakening to the need of having a Tourism Master Development Plan for Hinoba-an.
2. Development Needs
The three existing tourist facilities namely; Happy Valley Beach Resort has a recorded capacity of 25 air condition rooms provides food and drinks, first class toilet and bathroom facilities, has communication facilities to Ilo-ilo; Brazabille Beach Resort located in the same area is another tourist facilities that has 4 air condition rooms. Provides food and drinks first class toilet and bathroom facilities, lodgers can utilize the Bayan Tel or PLDT communication facilities.
As shown above our existing room capacity need to be expanded with a corollary expansion also of other facilities to cater to tourists needs. Like food, shopping facilities, recreation and sports.
Hinoba-an, aside from the now operating beach resorts, has other potential resorts. At Point Obong, a place with great historical value, being the place where Col. Jesus Villamor landed from Australia on January 15, 1943 to organized the resistance movement against Japanese Imperial Army.
For nature lovers, the place offers a unique and very much different scenario from other beach resorts because one can enjoy a whole bright sunny day of swimming without getting sunburned. It has a natural swimming pool under a natural formed cave. At Point Obong, tourists can enjoy exploring caves. Its blue sea offers good place for swimming and scuba diving.
The need of Point Obong in order to convert it to a world-class resort is namely;
- Access road
- Build the requisite facilities
- Strict enforcement of environmental laws regarding pollution and marine life preservation.
III. Goals, Objectives, Targets
1. Goals
Hinoba-an with such natural bounty, populated by hospitable people that are most happy and receptive to tourists has barely scratched the surface of the up coming and bouncing sunshine industry- Tourism.
For our town to the ride tiger of tourism, there must be a Master Plan to identify development and market our potential tourist area that will contribute to our municipal income through taxes.
2. Objectives
Of all the identified existing and potential tourist sports in Hinoba-an, Point Obong is a standout. It has every things that tourist can look for. Hills, lush forest, wild life, marine life for scuba diving cave to be explored by the adventurous, plain hiking all within an area about 100 hectares. So if the Local Government Unit can just repair the old existing road leading to the beach will convert this potential tourist area into a centerpiece of tourists spot of Hinoba-an. Power live to the beach and expansion of water system.
Meanwhile that Point Obong is under going development, the existing tourist facilities at Brgy. Pook, namely; Happy Valley Beach Resort and Brazaville Beach Resort and La Estrella Del Sur Beach Resort must be encouraged to expand its capacity in terms of rooms, food, shopping and recreation and sports and facilities.
3. Targets
Encourage tourist activities that the locality can provide
- Annual Town Fiesta
- Recreation
- Boating
- Camping in reforested area, near water falls
- Spots fishing
- Water skiing and other water sports
- Spelunking and cave exploration
- Sightseeing
- Fauna-Pitogo Island (Waterfowls)
- Historical, Archeological sites, landmarks, shrines-Point Obong
The earth though large is not infinite. The world’s population is constantly rising, and so is the demand for the world’s natural assets in order to provide food, housing and sustenance. We are in great danger of upsetting the natural balance. Man’s need combined with an arrogant use of these resources is encroaching upon that delicate balance. The people of Hinoba-an have to take a look at their environment with concern. Within the last decade, their forest has undergone an alarming change; a change of such dimension as they have never witness is their lifetime. The environment sector is planned within the concept of sustainable development as advocated by the “Philippines Agenda 21”. By sustainable development it meant “Meeting the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs”. Hence, the community shall aim for harmonious integration of a sound and viable economy, responsible governance, social cohesion/harmony and ecological integrity to ensure that development is a self enhancing process.
Sectoral Goals, Objectives and Target
- A sustainable balance between development activity and conservation of the environment;
- To provide the people of Hinoba-an a wholesome, healthy and friendly environment;
Objectives :
- To provide adequate facilities for a healthy environment;
- To encourage active involvement of the community on environment protection;
- To promote public health and safety.
Targets :
- To acquire lots for dumpsite and burial grounds;
- To provide sanitary toilet facilities to at least 30% of total household annually;
- To construct sanitary toilet at the public market and other public places;
- To complete the sea and rivers embankment/riprap in the poblacion and barangay Pook;
- To acquire solid waste management technology (Mechanical Shredder);
- To conduct massive information campaign on zero waste management;
- To establish Agro forest nursery in every barangay for the planting activities within the watershed, forest areas and along riverbanks;
- To provide annual budget allocation for mangrove reforestation program and construction of coral reef;
- Construction of a drainage system in at least three (3) barangays;
- To launch a clean and green contest for all barangays.